Monday, February 10, 2014

Chapter 4

In Chapter 4 we are introduced to the building of Germany. From a start Germany wasnt a strong united country, it wasnt until Otto von Bismarck who sought unity but to preserve Prussia. Bismarck ultimately aimed for stability and not expansion. After him came Wilhelm who was for expansion and domination in Europe. After WWI Germany's economy was left in rubble, "...hyperinflation so insane that by 1923 it took a wheelbarrowful of marks to buy a loaf of bread" (132). That is where Hitler stepped in, he rebuilt the economy, creating jobs, and put money into building the best military in Europe at the time. His ability to do such things showed his great ability to lead and unify a group of people who never knew what unity was.
After the first war Germany was humiliated but with the leadership of Hitler, Germany was able to come out on top and as of today continue to thrive. In the article people in Germany were caught having money in accounts outside of Germany to avoid paying taxes. Of all the people who turned themselves in Germany was able to accumulate a large sum of money to generate back into the economy. In my eyes it's a big deal since Germany took such a hit after WWI so they have to keep their economy strong and afloat.

1 comment:

  1. it didn't help that Hitler had a charismatic personality. And also the money outside of Germany was a smart idea, I wonder what happened to the people who were caught. they were probably killed since it was Hitler's Germany.
